Account Schedules is a module in Dynamics 365 Business Central that you can use to further analyze the financial data in the chart of accounts. It can help you to analyze the figures in the general ledger accounts or to compare general ledger entries with general ledger budget entries by Dimensions.
Business Value: The presentation of financial reports is an important part of how people consume them. Reports must provide business insights in a way that enables people to easily recognize the report and quickly identify the important data. In Business Central, account schedules are the main tool for creating user-defined financial reports. This release provides new capabilities for account schedules that make it easier for people to produce reports in the layout they desire.
Source: Microsoft
Feature Details
You can control how the number zero is printed (as "0", "-", or (blank)). When skipping zero-lines you can now keep Headers, Begin-totals, and End-Total in order to keep the schedules structure legible.
When you define account schedules, you can use G/L account categories as Totaling filter for columns.
The Account Schedules Overview supports 15 columns so that you can view budgets for 12 months and a total.
You can export and import account schedules to or from files, which makes it easier to reuse them between companies.
Headings (Begin-totals) are kept when printing to keep the structure of the account schedule. You can also choose to print lines marked as not to be shown, which makes validating the account schedules easier to do when you're designing them.
How to use it
Type "Account Schedules" into the search bar and select the corresponding result.

2. Once on the Account Schedules page, select the “New” action to begin the process of creating a new schedule. Alternatively, you can select the “Copy Account Schedule” action.

3. Fill out all fields necessary. Once you get to the Default Column Layout field, you can select an existing layout. This can be edited later as needed.

4. In Process Menu, Select the “Edit Account Schedule” action.

5. Begin creating rows for the specific financial elements you want to have in the report.

6. In Related Menu, Select the “Overview” action to see a preview of the financial report based off of these specifications.

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